Monday, March 17, 2008

China day at Children's Corner!!

This past Friday was China day at the girls pre-school. Ms. Michelle planned this on a Friday so Miss Linzhi could participate since she only attends school on Fridays....THANK YOU Ms. Michelle! The girls loved it and talked about the Dragon all weekend! I thought it would be a good idea for the girls to be dressed in the traditional Chinese dresses I brought home from China and of course the girls were so excited because they both LOVE to wear dresses, especially the beautiful, delicate, matching Chinese dresses ( I took a risk sending them to school in these precious dresses). We also brought in fortune cookies, Rachel was so excited to be able to share her cookies and her Chinese sister, she kept saying on the drive to school "Linzhi is REALLY from China and that is far, far away" She looked so serious and proud that her sister came all the way from China. It really made Mommy's heart feel good to see her girls bond even more. Oh and the dresses came home in perfect shape!

1 comment:

Anna B. said...

How sweet and fun! Glad the dresses made it back in good shape!