I had a sweet video to post of Madelyn teaching Rachel and Linzhi Mandarin however, for some reason I can't get the video up!?!? So...I have some cute pictures of their Mandarin lesson today which was practicing writing Chinese characters (we bought practice books in Wuhan) and learning colors. Oh how I love to watch this! Madelyn takes it very seriously and so does Rachel, Linzhi...Not so much (lol). Rachel is picking it up quickly which gives Madelyn (and me) great joy. Home school is going great! We are very busy with projects and worksheets but we're having so much fun and it's such a blessing to have Trevor in the next room too. Tomorrow is Friday which means it's art class with Trevor. =)
**UPDATE** The director of Madelyn's orphanage gave us his personal email address and asked that we send updates so they can see how she's doing. So this evening I did just that and requested the update be sent to her foster family as well. Well, within an hour he emailed us back a sweet note and promised to forward the update to her foster family...PRAISE GOD! My prayer is that they have some peace of mind knowing how much she is loved. I know it will be bittersweet. Please pray for healing of broken hearts. I know they miss her and she misses them. I will be showing her the email tomorrow morning, I know she'll be tickled!
Rachel practicing Chinese characters.
Sister love.
that is amazing I LOVE this
AMY you are doing a FANTASTIC job
How sweet! I was thinking of you last week, listening to "Family Talk" with Dr. Dobson, they had a couple of days talking about home-schooling.
What sweet pictures of your beautiful girls.
So great that your keeping up with the Mandarin for her.
How precious! What a good big sister! I never saw Madelyn with her hair down, she looks so grown up! Glad you are enjoying your time together.
I am impressed at how organized you are! I haven't quite gotten the "routine" down yet! We are staying in our pj's until well after 11 A.M.!
Janet and gang
Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!! :)
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