Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I knew this day would come...

Yesterday morning, the girls and I were in bed cuddling before we left for morning school. Out of the blue, Linzhi states "I hate my hands, I want long fingers like you, daddy, Teber (trev) and Rachel" Tears filled my eyes as I told her "how much I loved her pretty hands and therapy and stretching will help you use your hands better" (ugh). Rachel then looked at Linzhi and said "well, sister...I love them too and I wish I had crooked hands like you!" Linzhi then started to cry silent tears which torn me up even more so, Rachel and I just held her and wiped her tears as they came out of her beautiful black eyes. I know this is hard for her especially when it takes her longer to do things but we have to let her do them or she'll struggle more than she has to. We give her three chances to do it her way, if unsuccessful we will assist her in achieving her goal but she HAS to try three times. Her doctor made it very clear not to teach her our ways but to watch how she does it and assist as needed. This has proven to be excellent advice as we see daily how she gets her business done her way. I guess for me, to hear the words come out of her mouth stating she hates her hands, broke her mama's heart. I can't wait for the day that she understands when I say "you are perfect just the way you are" or when her daddy kissing her little petite hands and says "daddy loves Linzhi's hands" In time, she will have surgery to help release her tendons which will straighten her fingers out a bit more but that won't be for a few years and honestly, I'm praying therapy will be enough to get her in a more functioning state, I'd like to avoid surgery all together but that's just the mama bear in me. We will do what ever is necessary for Linzhi and if that means surgery than so be it. I know there are lots of kiddos out there just like my girl and I am so thankful we're dealing with Arthrogryposis, it's manageable and does not progress. All we can do is lift her up and pray for our sweet little Lu Lu Belle.

I always tell my kids "Dare to be different" Trevor gets it, Rachel almost gets it but Linzhi has no idea what I mean but I believe in my heart one day she will take that dare to be different and embrace her differences and celebrate how the Lord made her perfect in his eyes and ours.

Have a blessed evening!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trying to be patient....

No news yet.... Today the wait bothered me! Out of all the waiting (almost 2 weeks) today was the hardest for some reason. I basically stalked my computer but nothing came through... I know GOD's hand is working here and we must wait upon Him and His timing. I feel like a big baby expressing how inpatient I've been today but I feel so many have been in my shoes and it's a comfort to know you're all out there supporting us with prayers and hope.

I HOPE and PRAY she's ours... We love her already.

"Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have to say....

I am overwhelmed with all the emails and comments from all of you! I love you all!!! Thank you for praying for us. We have not heard yet on the PA but my heart tells me maybe sometime this week?!?!?! I have to say, I feel SO much love and support from all of you ladies. It brings me to tears just typing this!! I'm a total sap this week for some reason? Anyway, thank you again my sweet friends!

Just a little add... Today is March 23rd, six years ago today, we found out Rachel Catherine was on her way into the world. It was a tough time getting her here but my oh my, did she ever make her entrance!! Rachel my dear, you changed my world and healed my heart in so many ways... Mama loves you!

Have a Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Tonight for some reason the wait is getting to me a bit. CJ and I were just talking and it looks like the news will come next week while he's away on business. I know God is in charge of this and his timing is always perfect. So I will put my iPod on and hit the treadmill, it always seems to relax me a bit. A few have asked how the weight loss is going....

As of Sunday, March 15th...

CJ, has lost 20 lbs!!!!! He looks and feels fantastic (He's always looked fantastic to me)

Trevor, has lost 9lbs!!! He looks great too!! (always has)

I, have lost 7 lbs. I'm pretty excited about it but find I'm having a much harder time seeing the results from my efforts. I walk around 8-10 miles (aerobic speed) per week and have cut way back on calories however, it's talking much longer than it would have 10 years ago....LOL... it's so true, after 30 it really is harder!!! Regardless, I am grateful for my health and praise God I have a body that enables me to take care of my family, no matter what size or shape I am.

Have a wonderful Thursday!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A little update...

I did hesitate to write this because we are still waiting for one last approval before we can begin the process to bring another precious angel home from China. I will share this about her, she's 7 years old and has Arthrogryposis just like Linzhi...Oh and she's breathtakingly beautiful!

The story of how this child came to us is almost unbelievable but believable because we feel (and all the parties involved) that God's hands orchestrated the entire deal. Whether she's our kiddo or not, GOD has big plans for her and whoever is blessed to call her daughter.

As of Friday, we submitted our intent to adopted her and now we are waiting for a pre-approval from China. We were told it could take up to two weeks but the agency assured us everything looks really good for us....SO, I will keep you all posted.

The reason I posted this information is that we are asking for prayers. We fell in love with her already and would love to call her ours. We will patiently await upon the Lord to see what HIS plan is for this precious girl (praying we're included in her future).

Blessings to all of you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Hopefully, my dear friends I will be able to share our BIG NEWS this week!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A taste of Spring...

Aw, the tease of 65 degree weather... We took full advantage of the beautiful taste of spring and played outside all afternoon! It is now 38 degrees with the threat of colder weather later in the week BUT I don't mind as much because I know what's around the corner....I have to say, I LOVE not working!! I thought I would miss it more than I do but I really don't. I miss the people I worked virtually with but we stay in touch. As I watched the girls playing (Trevor popped out every once in awhile, he had school work to do) I was praising God for the many blessings of my life, I am so grateful and wouldn't change a thing!

Trevor anxiously awaiting his license.... one more month!
Linzhi finding a treasure...A rock.

Rachel found rocks and tiny pine cones.

Rachel loves this little bike although she can ride her two wheeler, she prefers this little bike. =)

Styling in her hat from the D@llor Tree!

And Rachel too!

Linzhi was riding HER little bike which she loves very much too!!

Rachel and Trevor posing for the camera, Linzhi was too busy to stop for a picture. =)

Trying to catch up on her reading.... =)

Linzhi LOVES these sunglasses, actually ANY type of glasses!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My life flashed before me today as I watched my Linzhi run into a busy road at her pre-school. For some reason my girls are out of control when I pick them up from school, they NEVER act like this anywhere else. It makes me so angry and embarrassed when I try and talk to their teacher and they're acting like wild animals, today was no exception but it could have ended up much worse. Here's the scene...

Before we walked out of school I looked at both girls and said "DO NOT RUN TO THE TRUCK AND DO NOT LET GO OF MY HAND" In my arms, I have one book bag and two winter coats (it was warmer today), I have Rachel and Linzhi's hands as well, sure enough Rachel wiggles out of my hand and Linzhi takes off too. I could see Rachel off to the side but Linzhi darted for the road. I dropped everything I had and ran as fast as I could while calling her name, she didn't stop, she kept running. I knew at any moment a car could would be on the same road. I grabbed and lifted Linzhi by one arm and put her over my shoulder so as I was saving one child's life my daughter that knows the rules much clearer than Linzhi decided to run on the other side of the truck to "hide" from me. I drive a Chevy Tahoe so there is NO WAY for me to see a little person on the side of the truck. At this point Ms. Michelle called to Rachel and told her to come back to me. I grabbed both girls, strapped them in their boosters firmly, picked up the mess from all the papers flying out of the book bags, got in the car, called CJ and then the water works set in. I could have lost one or both of my babies today, it shook me to my core. What shocks me is they know better but still they took off like wild animals. When we got home, I ordered them to the couch and told them they had to stay there until dad got home, which was within minutes. We both sat them down and scolded them about what had happened and what COULD have happened!!!! Then they were both sent to bed. About 15 minutes later CJ went up and talked to them more while I made dinner. They lost privileges for a few days and they have to go to bed early but most importantly, I decided I will take one kid to the car at a time. I obviously can't trust them (for the time being) not to go in or near the road and it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

Praise God for keeping a car from coming down the road as my Linzhi made a run for it. Thank you JESUS for shielding my babies!!!!