I love this picture of Rachel, it captures her personality perfectly! My sweet baby will turn six on Sunday the 15th. We have a weekend planned full of fun so I wanted to get a post up today.
Oh how I remember the day this precious baby entered our world. I wish I could go back and do it all over again...I would love to hold that tiny little baby again...Just once!!!
So in celebration of our little sweetie...Here's a 10 fun facts about Rachel Cate!
Rachel loves....
1. All animals, especially horses and dogs.
2. Hannah Montana, iCarly and Arthur.
3. Summer and swimming.
4. Trees and flowers and little bugs.
5. finding little treasures in the house, little tiny nothings but to Rachel it's a
6. JEWELRY!!! All kinds all colors!
7. School and all her friends.
8. Writing letters and sounding out words.
9. Nail polish and make-up.
10. Jesus!
Happy birthday day baby girl!
PS. Thank you all for your sweet comments and emails regarding our current situation with USC!S. I can feel God's hands all over this as you all covered us in prayer!! KEEP IT UP!!! It's working! I feel we are etching away at this and it may be resolved soon! Love you all!!!
Happy Birthday, Rachel!! Sounds like we have a lot in common; I, too, love Hannah and jewelry and makeup ;)
Glad to hear that your heart is being moved and your spirit lifted!
What happened to your moving post?
Happy Birtday to Rachel!! Praying you have a fun and blessed weekend to celebrate your special day!! <><
love and hugs to all of you!
~ Tanya
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