Trevor with all his siblings...Rachel, Morgan, Trev, Bryson an Linzhi Lu (she thinks Bryson is her "boyfriend") My handsome boy with the beautiful Miss Vicki.
Aren't they cute???
My handsome boy, I mean young man. =)
Saturday past was homecoming and since Trevor is home schooled, he couldn't officially go however...He was asked to go as a date! I was thrilled for him because he misses this part of going to school. They had a great time! I am so proud of him and the friends he chooses to hang with because all of them pledge not to drink, smoke, drugs or have pre-marital relations. God has blessed us with a wonderful young man that respects women and treats them as God expects. He will make an awesome husband one day... LOVE you Trevor!
Saturday past was homecoming and since Trevor is home schooled, he couldn't officially go however...He was asked to go as a date! I was thrilled for him because he misses this part of going to school. They had a great time! I am so proud of him and the friends he chooses to hang with because all of them pledge not to drink, smoke, drugs or have pre-marital relations. God has blessed us with a wonderful young man that respects women and treats them as God expects. He will make an awesome husband one day... LOVE you Trevor!