Today, I write about our Gracie Faith. We are 7 days away from open heart #2. Gracie will have the Fontan procedure, valve repair and possible Maze procedure to help with her artial fibrillation.
Last year, we were weeks home from China with a seriously ill child-surgery was unavoidable and somewhat of a relief as we knew she desperately needed it. This time, it's still necessary, but harder. Harder because we have a little girl running around this house full of life and laughter- running, playing, swimming, dancing. And from time to time, I forget. I forget about her heart and that it's functioning with two chambers, a common valve that mixes her blood, pulse ox of 87, a leaky regurgitating valve and a heart beat that misbehaves more than I like. Then it hits me. I see her purple/blue lips, I can feel her heart pumping hard against my chest as I rock her and I see her sweating as she sits to watch her favorite Max and Ruby. It's hard.
This week has been especially difficult. Monday, a sweet little China girl went home to Jesus. Her heart is healed and she is home. I ache her for family. I followed her story for a few years-praying with her family in hopes of her getting her new heart- She got her heart but it wasn't the will of God to heal her here. He wanted her home with him. The reality hits too close to home.
Jesus said " I will never leave you-never forsake you". It's truth.
Stepping out onto the water to meet him-to be where He needs you to be- to serve Him and others, is not always the most easy. Yet, I find myself not wanting to be anywhere else. Broken for the burdens He places on my heart-showing me He is enough for each day as they come, promising never to leave, walking through the valley of the shadow of death with us- Telling to fear NO evil because He is with us-leading us to quiet waters to restore our weary souls. My cup overflows.
No, this is not an easy time but this too shall pass. We will be on the other side of this Goliath, it's God's promise and we trust and believe. Miracles happen-broken hearts become new- that's our hope for Grace. She is a miracle. We are reminded every time we see our friends at Hope Children's hospital. Oh, how they love our girl! We know she is in excellent hands because God picked each and every one of her amazing doctors- they understand her perfect design and enjoy seeing her defeat all the odds. How Awesome is our God!
I know I have dear-faithful prayer warriors. If you think of us- here are a few specific prayers.
Gracie has a clean pre-op check up on Monday, July 8th.
That we will get a room at the Ronald McDonald House. Gracie needs her family close!!
That we have strength and courage as a family.
For our church family, family and friends as they are standing with us and stepping in to fill the gaps to care for our children.
Most importantly- Gracie gets through her surgery with no complications WHATSOEVER!
Please check my blog or Facebook for daily updates!
Thank you, dear ones <3 br="">
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